Livin' My Best Life is one of the Top 20 Albums of 2024!
“musical prowess with heartfelt intensity and technical brilliance”
Read More“musical prowess with heartfelt intensity and technical brilliance”
Read MoreCheck out the awesome review of Livin’ My Best Life by Croatian writer, Mladen Loncar, of Sound Guardian. He is also my favorite DJ in Croatia. Hvala ti prijatelju. Pustite glasno glazbu, Mike! Click HERE to check out Sound Guardian and for those of you would do not read Croatian, the English translation is below.
Ovih malo više od 42' svakom tko imalo naginje i voli istinski rock n' blues, album "Livin’ My Best Life" bez obzira na sve biti će vrlo fokusirani predmet vašeg zanimanja. Preko CherryBurst Records ovaj album je i službeno objavljen prije dva tjedna u vlastitom aranžmanu, apsolutno vanserijskog glazbenika Rockyja Athasa.
Malo tko nije čuo za ovog doista izvrsnog gitaristu, koji ima jako puno atributa poput "Texas Tornado", "Malice from Dallas", "Young Eric Clapton" i "The Last Great Bluesbreaker Guitarist". Naravno, sve ovo ukazuje nam na činjenicu i priču da ovdje, na ovom albumu nema šale, nema praznog hoda, već da nam se onako iz prve ruke sva ona Texas furrka doslovno prolama iz zvučnika i pronalazi nas .. i što je jako bitno ostavlja nas bez teksta, jer svako malo ostajemo doista zatečeni onime što čujemo!
Rocky Athas nudi nam pravu paletu žestokih gitarskih rifova i zaraznih potezanja na gitari, čiji tonovi, čiji zvuk otvara doslovno sva vrata. Rocky ništa, ali doista ništa ne prepušta slučaju,već dapače vrlo precizno, vrlo nadahnuto i razbacano u vaša glazbena bića unosi onaj svima poznat nemir i osjećaj da smo na pravoj strani.
Kada se sjetim, koliko sam uživao u njegovoj gitari slušajući je na Mayallovom live i studijskom albumu "A Special Life" sadržava Rockyjeve zvjezdane gitarističke izvedbe i trenutke, što je pak navelo Neila Spencera iz Uncut Magazina da visoko pohvali novi rad i to izvučeno iz konteksta zvuči na slijedeći način:"... whose guitarist, Rocky Athas, resembles a young Eric Clapton". Ova činjenica govori sve jer u tim godina bez obzira što svira sve je optočeno bluesom i blues je uvijek bio ono što je Clapton želio svirati.
Slično se događa i s Rockyjem i to razdoblje definitivno je obilježilo njegovu profesionalnu karijeru. Naime, biti na turneji i svirati s Mayallom ne može si priskrbiti nitko tko sve, sav taj osjećaj i ozračje nema u malom prstu i upravo zato samo odabrani mogu svirati s istinskom blues legendom. Naravno, Athas je ispunio sve kriterije i upravo zato je i mogao biti dio te priče. Kasnije ili istovremeno Rocky radi i svoje solo albume i snima ono što voli, ono što mu daje prostora da se izrazi kao kompletni glazbenik a ne samo kao vanserijski gitarist.
"Livin’ My Best Life" dugo je očekivani nastavak nakon "Shakin' The Dust" i one boleštine, koja je zaustavila svijet.
"Livin’ My Best Life" uključuje Rockyjevu "smokin' hot" posvetu Jeffu Becku i Peteru Greenu te jednu klasičnu izvedbu Johna Mayalla na usnjaku.
Od 2017. kada se ponovo susreo s Grammyjevcem Jimom Gainesom i radom na albumu "Shakin' The Dust" pokrenuo je cijeli taj pozitivni krug ili ciklus, koji traje i dan danas. Nakon Mayallovih Bluesbreakersa Rocky je pokrenuo doista respektabilnu solo karijeru i tu je i danas.
A svi znamo Texas rock n' blues je uvijek bila dobitna formula i stil i ozračje, koje nikoga neće ostaviti ravnodušnim.
A valja i ovo napisati: u dobi od 23 godine, ovaj tada mladić rodom iz Oak Cliffa, je faca kojeg Buddy Magazine uključuje u već sada legendarni popis deset najboljih gitarista. Upravo je Rocky jedan od prvih i najmlađih, koji je dobio tu čast. Tijekom vremena, Rocky je dijelio tu čast uz Eric Johnsona, Jimmie i S.R, Vaughana, Billy Gibbons (iz ZZtopa) i Johnny Wintera. Mnogi znaju za njegovo prijateljstvo s legendarnim i nažalost pokojnim Stevie Ray Vaughanom, obojica su iz Oak Cliffa, a Rocky je iznimno ponosan na njihove zajedničke korijene i njihovo prijateljstvo. Voli spominjati ono razdoblje kada nisu bili svjetski poznati i uvijek potiče da su bili izuzetno obični i pristupačni dečki iz susjedstva i da ih slava nije promijenila u tom smislu. Cijela ova priča i što se mene osobno dodiruje upravo to dokazuje. Naime, nakon naše već dugogodišnje suradnje Rocky sam sve podiže na još veću razinu i cijela ova priča dobiva itekako značajne konotacije. Osobno sam vrlo sretan i ponosan što je to baš tako!
Rocky se sprijateljio s producentom Jimom Gainesom, dobitnikom nagrade Grammy, koji je radio znamo sve i sa Santanom, Steveom Millerom, Journeyem i Steviejem Ray Vaughanom, a 2003. proglašen Blues producentom godine. Njihovo prijateljstvo je sazrelo i otišlo na još veću razinu a nakon njegovog nastupnog albuma "Miracle", kojeg je producirao Jim. Uslijedila je ponuda, koju nije mogao odbiti: John Mayall, kultni "Godfather of British blues", zamolio ga je da svira gitaru na njegovom sljedećem albumu. Rocky je bio počašćen ovim priznanjem za svoju vještinu i s neskrivenim oduševljenjem pridružio se Mayallovim legendarnim The Bluesbreakersima, gdje su svoj obol ostavili i dali i Eric Clapton, Peter Green, Jack Bruce, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood i Mick Taylor. Bio dio te ekipe doista je fantastičan i ogroman uspjeh, a Rockyjeva svirka naravno, da nije prošla nezapaženo. Guitar Player Magazine je napisao da je Rocky "izuzetni veteran teksaški "gunslinger" s opakim tonom i nadasve respektabilnom i uspješnom solo karijerom."Sve ovo itekako je imalo utjecaja i na ovaj novi studijski album, kojem je Rocky dao svojom produkcijom potpuni smisao i učinio je i tu priču doista posebnom. A u tome su mu pripomogli:Jared Watson ( gitara , vokal), njegov sin Rocky Athas II (bas gitara), Walter Watson (bubnjevi, vokal). Uz njih tu su još bili: Ruf Rufner ( klavijature), Charlie Ferguson (klavijature "Sad Affairs"), John Mayall ( usna hramonka "Long Grey Mare") i Jessica Athas (klavijature "Only In My Dreams")
Svi mi i svi oni koji znaju o čemu se radi definitivno neće propustiti priliku da uživaju uz odličnu glazbu, sjajan i raspaljivi rock n' blues kojeg nam Rocky Athas samo tako isporučuje i doslovno nas potiče iz pjesme u pjesmu da samo idemo i slušamo što se dalje događa. Kada dođemo do posljednje pjesme na albumu, jednostavno idemo ponovo i tako tko zna do kada. Upravo zato poznati Vintage Guitar Magazine piše " Guaranteed to shake the dust from your speakers!"
Nije da "Livin’ My Best Life" slušam samo kod kuće, već se svojski trudim da ga što više promoviram i prezentiram i u radijskim emisijama koje uređujem i vodim. On to doista zaslužuje a vi, ako već niste, provjerite zašto stvari stoje baš tako!
Na kraju slijedi još i ovo: "This album comes full circle in my musical journey from Freddie King to Jeff Beck, and Peter Green and Andy Frasier who were both in the Bluesbreakers with John Mayall every one of whom I had the honor of meeting."
"This album was written specifically to encourage you to shun the negatuve forces in the world, embrace the positve , and start "Livin' YOUR Best Life". So, please keep rockin' the blues and play it LOUD!Repeat as needed for the great day" - Rocky Athas
Više o svemu potražite na:
Popis pjesama:
1. Livin’ My Best Life (4:48)
2. Only In My Dreams ( 4:55)
3. Black Cat Moan (3:48)
4. Dark Days (5:24)
5. Sad Affairs (5:29)
6. Long Grey Mare (3:06)
7. Watching The River Flow (3:43)
8. Sold Ground (4:01)
9. Walk In My Shadow (2:55)
10. Palace Of The King (3:52)
(CherryBurst Records)
Yours bluesy,
Mladen Loncar-Mike
These little more than 42' for anyone who is inclined and loves true rock n' blues, the album "Livin' My Best Life" will be a very focused object of your interest regardless of everything. Through CherryBurst Records, this album was officially released two weeks ago in its own arrangement, by the absolutely extraordinary musician Rocky Athas.
Few have not heard of this truly excellent guitarist, who has many attributes such as "Texas Tornado", "Malice from Dallas", "Young Eric Clapton" and "The Last Great Bluesbreaker Guitarist". Of course, all this points us to the fact and the story that here, on this album, there is no joke, no idleness, but that all that Texas has literally bursts out of the speakers and finds us .. and what is very important leaves us speechless, because every now and then we are truly taken aback by what we hear!
Rocky Athas offers us a real palette of fierce guitar riffs and infectious guitar moves, whose tones, whose sound literally opens all doors. Rocky leaves nothing, indeed nothing, to chance, but rather very precisely, very inspired and scattered in your musical beings that well-known restlessness and the feeling that we are on the right side.
When I think back to how much I enjoyed his guitar playing on Mayall's live and studio album, "A Special Life" features Rocky's stellar guitar performances and moments, prompting Neil Spencer of Uncut Magazine to praise the new work out of context. it sounds like this: "... whose guitarist, Rocky Athas, resembles a young Eric Clapton". This fact says it all because in those years, no matter what he played, everything was covered in blues and blues was always what Clapton wanted to play.
A similar thing happens with Rocky and that period definitely marked his professional career. Namely, being on tour and playing with Mayall can't be achieved by anyone who doesn't have everything, all that feeling and atmosphere in their little finger, and that's why only a select few can play with a true blues legend. Of course, Athas fulfilled all the criteria and that's exactly why he could be part of that story. Later or at the same time, Rocky also makes his solo albums and records what he likes, what gives him space to express himself as a complete musician and not just as a hired guitarist.
"Livin' My Best Life" is the long-awaited follow-up to "Shakin' The Dust" and that disease that stopped the world.
"Livin' My Best Life" features Rocky's "smokin' hot" tribute to Jeff Beck and Peter Green and a classic John Mayall rendition on the harmonica.
Since 2017, when he met again with Grammy winner Jim Gaines and working on the album "Shakin' The Dust", he started this whole positive circle or cycle, which continues to this day. After Mayall's Bluesbreakers, Rocky launched a truly respectable solo career and is still around today.
And we all know Texas rock n' blues has always been a winning formula and style and atmosphere, which will not leave anyone indifferent.
And this should also be written: at the age of 23, this then young man from Oak Cliff is the guy Buddy Magazine included in the already legendary list of ten best guitarists. Rocky is one of the first and youngest to receive this honor. Over time, Rocky shared that honor with Eric Johnson, Jimmie and S.R, Vaughan, Billy Gibbons (of ZZtop) and Johnny Winter. Many know of his friendship with the legendary and sadly late Stevie Ray Vaughan, both of whom are from Oak Cliff, and Rocky is extremely proud of their shared roots and their friendship. He likes to mention the period when they were not world famous and always insists that they were extremely ordinary and approachable guys from the neighborhood and that fame has not changed them in that sense. This whole story and what touches me personally proves exactly that. Namely, after our already long-term cooperation, Rocky himself raises everything to an even higher level and this whole story acquires very significant connotations. I am personally very happy and proud that this is so!
Rocky befriended Grammy Award-winning producer Jim Gaines, who worked with We Know It All and Santana, Steve Miller, Journey and Stevie Ray Vaughan, and was named Blues Producer of the Year in 2003. Their friendship matured and went to an even greater level after his debut album "Miracle", which was produced by Jim. An offer followed, which he could not refuse: John Mayall, the iconic "Godfather of British blues", asked him to play guitar on his next album. Rocky was honored by this recognition for his skill and with undisguised enthusiasm joined Mayall's legendary The Bluesbreakers, where Eric Clapton, Peter Green, Jack Bruce, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood and Mick Taylor also left and contributed. Being part of that team is truly fantastic and a huge success, and Rocky's gig, of course, did not go unnoticed. Guitar Player Magazine wrote that Rocky is "an outstanding veteran Texas gunslinger with a wicked tone and above all a respectable and successful solo career."
All this really had an impact on this new studio album, which Rocky gave complete meaning with his production and made that story really special. And in this he was helped by: Jared Watson (guitar, vocals), his son Rocky Athas II (bass guitar), Walter Watson (drums, vocals). Along with them there were also: Ruf Rufner (keyboards), Charlie Ferguson (keyboards "Sad Affairs"), John Mayall (lips "Long Gray Mare") and Jessica Athas (keyboards "Only In My Dreams")
All of us and all those who know what it is about will definitely not miss the opportunity to enjoy great music, great and incendiary rock n' blues that Rocky Athas just delivers and literally encourages us from song to song to just go and listen to what's going on what's happening next. When we get to the last song on the album, we just go again and so on until who knows when. That is exactly why the famous Vintage Guitar Magazine writes "Guaranteed to shake the dust from your speakers!"
It's not that I listen to "Livin' My Best Life" only at home, but I personally try to promote and present it as much as possible in the radio shows that I edit and host. He really deserves it and you, if you haven't already, check why things are the way they are!
At the end there is also this: "This album comes full circle in my musical journey from Freddie King to Jeff Beck, and Peter Green and Andy Frasier who were both in the Bluesbreakers with John Mayall each one of whom I had the honor of meeting. "
"This album was written specifically to encourage you to shun the negative forces in the world, embrace the positive, and start "Livin' YOUR Best Life". So, please keep rockin' the blues and play it LOUD! Repeat as needed for the great day" - Rocky Athas
Find out more about everything at:
Track list:
1. Livin' My Best Life (4:48)
2. Only In My Dreams (4:55)
3. Black Cat Moan (3:48)
4. Dark Days (5:24)
5. Sad Affairs (5:29)
6. Long Gray Mare (3:06)
7. Watching The River Flow (3:43)
8. Sold Ground (4:01)
9. Walk In My Shadow (2:55)
10. Palace Of The King (3:52)
(CherryBurst Records)
Yours bluesy,
Mladen Loncar-Mike
“Big, juicy dose of Texas Style blues.”
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