In the music industry friendships can be fleeting but the bond between Smokin' Joe Kubek and myself endured the test of time. Our love of guitars kept us in touch with each other no matter where we separately were in the world and I miss him dearly today. Rocky & Joe's Hail Damage Shuffle is the result of our first and last opportunity to record some fun together.
Please join me in celebrating fellow Texas guitar slinger, Smokin' Joe Kubek's birthday. Click the video below and enjoy some mean guitar and slide playing!
After years of non-stop touring, I wanted to make an album that would let me connect with my friends and just have fun playing guitar. Long time friend, Smokin' Joe Kubek was a natural fit and we had a lot of fun hanging out together jamming in the studio. In retrospect, I am grateful and blessed to have spent this time with my very dear friend and I am very proud of the results. You can never go wrong when you combine work with pleasure and Joe was a real pleasure to work with!
If you love everything guitar, you can get your copy of the album Let My Guitar Do The Talking...with my friends HERE.
Steve and I met in the 5th grade at the talent show in the school auditorium of L.K.Hall Elementary School in the Oak Cliff neighborhood of Dallas, Texas. In the audience, sitting on the first row, was Stevie Ray. We didn't call him that back then...he was just Steve. After I played, Steve came up to me and said "Hey, I saw you playing guitar and I play guitar, too." It was an innocent, simple moment that formed the friendship that was fueled by endless talk of guitars and Jimi Hendrix and the newest album at the record store. It was really nice to have someone like-minded, as we were, in those early days of our childhood. To this day, I still love talking about guitars and Hendrix. Wow...what cool days those were. Happy Birthday, Steve! Miss you, brother.
Music Extra - Listen very carefully to the end of the song and you will hear how I voiced my guitar with my wah wah to say "Stevie Ray, Where have you gone?"
This video is just so cool because it shows how Steve was “one” with his guitar. I love it! His confidence and style developed from years of playing every night, wherever he could. Enjoy his showmanship! This is #TexasStyle!
Rocky and Jimmie at the Wildflower Music Festival talking about their Oak Cliff days.
One of my favorite inspirations was the bigger than life Texas guitarist and songwriter, Freddie King. While recording The Bluesberries album with Buddy Miles, Texas Cannonball, was written to honor the master, Please join me in celebrating Freddie King’s birthday and enjoy this musical tribute from The Bluesberries album recorded with Buddy Miles and Double Trouble in 2002 with Jim Gaines producing the magic. Happy Birthday, Freddie King! Play it LOUD! #TexasStyle
At 86, the British blues legend, John Mayall, is planning to return to touring next year! Let's all wish him a very happy birthday with many more to come. During my time with John, we created some magic musical moments. A Special Life was particularly personal for John and I Just Got To Know is one of my favorite tracks from that session. Enjoy!
John was generous with his time when we were together
Texas Cannonball was written by Rocky Athas and Buddy Miles for the Bluesberries album, to honor the master, Freddie King, who was a fellow Texan that inspired Rocky. The Bluesberries album was recorded with Buddy Miles and Double Trouble in 2002 with Jim Gaines producing the magic. Happy Birthday, Freddie King! Play it LOUD!